Some History. Part 2.

Season’s Greetings, my friends! It’s been a while… again.

Last time we spoke I gave an extremely abridged version of my early years ending with my enrollment at the University of Tennessee and my apartment in the Fort Sanders neighborhood.

I enjoyed my experience at a major university. I excelled in my classes and felt like I was a part of something bigger. Despite this, I still couldn’t shake the feeling of being a fish out of water. Some of the lecture halls held more people in one room than there were in the entire town of Long Lane, MO. Every time I walked down a different hallway or through a different building I would be amazed at the material on display, and had a difficult time narrowing my focus on one subject. I was more of a renaissance man than a specialist.

I auditioned and interviewed, and was accepted to the UT School of Music for studies in musicology. The curriculum for their program was daunting, and certainly not designed for non-traditional students holding down full time jobs. My music theory class and transcription class were taught by the same teacher. He was from somewhere up north, and he was new that year to the faculty. His classes were so tough. I spent many sleepless nights working on counterpoint exercises or handwritten transcriptions of full-score Stravinsky works. With much sweat and turmoil, I made A’s in both of his classes. He failed several students, including one student who was the daughter of the department chair, and the next year he was no longer on staff. The politics of the music department were saddening to me. I thought he was a fair teacher, and I learned so much from him. This wasn’t the first, and it wouldn’t be the last time the integrity of any educational system came into question for me. Furthermore, the requirements for any music degree include several hours a week worth of practice, lessons, ensemble performances, and ear training all of which are not worth any credits therefore a student must have a full-time load of classes as well as an extremely demanding extra curricular schedule. The only students who can survive this are the ones who do not have to work in order to pay for things like rent, or child support in my case. I simply could not afford the time to practice and participate in the program, especially when the outlook for careers in musicology did not seem rewarding to me. I knew I didn’t need a degree to be a musician, so I tried something else. The degree audit feature on the school’s web page became my best friend for a while.

While at UT I tried student teaching to fourth graders. They actually called me, “Mr. Dickens.” That was a trip. I took poetry, film studies, social psychology, and an entire year of sound design. The second semester was the advanced sound design course, and I worked at the Clarence Brown theater as part of a work study. I even took a two-semester doctoral level course in energy science. This was a challenge to say the least. The only reason they allowed undergrads in the class was because technically half the class was focused on policy, so much so that a deep understanding of advanced physics and calculus would not be a detriment to the student. This was not my case. On the first day everyone went around introducing themselves to the group. There were students from all over the world in this class, each one of them already in their respective fields of nuclear engineering, biochemical engineering, materials engineering, or whatever engineering, I think you get the idea. They all stated where they received their bachelors and their masters, and all of them were working on their PhDs. When it was my turn I said, “yeah, uh, I work in a couple of restaurants and I used to be a bricklayer. Oh yeah, and I write songs.” It was a little bit embarrassing, but I ended up getting to know these people well over the course of the year. On homework assignments, I had pages and pages of handwritten calculations and attempts, I spent hours upon hours teaching myself the advanced calculus and physics needed to solve the problems (most of them related to energy conversions of various types), and when it came time to go over the homework in class the teacher would display the correct answer and I would invariably be wrong more often than not. However, I learned so much about renewable energy as well as climate change and technological improvements in how we can mitigate the effects of fossil fuel consumption. Our final team project was a mock policy proposal presentation given in front of the former governor of Tennessee, Phil Bredesen. The same guy they named the school after, “The Bredesen Center at UT.” Our group’s topic was combined carbon and sequestration. I tried hard and expelled a lot of energy, but at the end I only made a C the first semester and a D the second semester.

So, after doing several degree audits and merely finding the path of least resistance, I finally decided on a communications major . By this point, I just wanted to finish, but changing majors and lack of focus would end up being my own detriment. I was registered and set to go one fall when all of a sudden instead of getting a negative statement and refund I received a bill. Apparently, I had reached the end of what the federal government was willing to loan. In order to continue I would have to pay out of pocket and that meant I had to raise nearly $1,400 within a week. Being a server and bartender at two restaurants, behind on rent and child support, starving, driving a jeep with over a quarter of a million miles on it, with a child living in another state, trying to keep up visits, birthdays, Christmases, and everything else… this was more than impossible. I had to drop all of my classes in order to avoid a charge, and just like that I was finished at UT. My heart dropped.

During my time living on campus, I rode my bike everywhere. I took advantage of local mountain bike trails from time to time, but I never took the time to go hiking or camping and get back to nature. So by this point I was getting pretty low.

With my class schedule suddenly and unexpectedly cleared, I found myself looking for a regular daytime job. Working late nights and weekends, holidays, gamedays, and not having any kind of regular consistent income was getting old for someone in his 30’s. I reached out on FaceBook and a couple of my old friends were working at a place called Threds where I was able to get a job making $10 per hour (maybe less?) in the shipping department.

Threds is an apparel and design company that specializes in screenprinting and embroidery, and they also manage online fulfilment sales and distribution for their clients. That’s where the shipping department comes in. They stock and inventory a warehouse where they pick orders put in by customers on the client’s website. The orders are then packed and shipped to customers all over the world. The environment isn’t conditioned, and the work is very demanding. I did very well in this role, quickly learning the various tasks and positions in the team.

This moment right here is where my blog starts. It was at this moment in time when my body and soul were longing for an escape to nature. After all my failures and defeats so far I just needed to know that I could survive if my world boiled down to what I could carry with me. I lost my apartment and moved into my mom’s basement. Again. I was in a room with no windows half filled to the ceiling with boxes and totes full of old crap in storage. I felt like old crap. I desperately needed to get out of my rut.

It was 2017. The news for the last year was a whirlwind. We elected this president and it felt like everything we knew was just being thrown out. I felt like the world was declining socially, politically, and culturally. The eclipse seemed to offer some kind of fulcrum. As if we could teeter back into normalcy, pivoting on this moment. A before and after. A milestone. I had to experience this, but not in the same way everyone else in the world wanted to experience this. This had to be personal. I knew the world was watching. There were visitors flocking from every corner of the globe, hotel reservations for years in advanced, traffic delays expected to last for half a day or more, and very little chance of finding a quiet, isolated place. Challenge accepted. I bought some maps and lined up the path of totality with backcountry areas, and located a trail I could hike out on to camp for this monumental occasion. I didn’t know if there would be others out there, but I went for it. I ventured out a couple of days early in order to find a good spot and avoid the traffic. Taking back roads and parking at an obscure trailhead I was delighted to find that I was the only soul in the Citico Creek Wilderness in the Cherokee National Forest.

That trip was exhausting and exuberating. I was so out of shape, but it opened my eyes and gave me a new set of goals to work toward. I remembered my connection to nature. Writing about my trip also gave me solace. Returning from my backcountry camping trip during the Great American Eclipse I decided to begin this blog. And there you have it, a little bit of history. Thank you for reading, stay tuned for more poetry and adventures. I will finish my eclipse adventure story, and I have a whole collection of adventures from 2022 I can’t wait to share with everyone! Happy New Year! ~Steve

Some History. Part One.

So it’s certainly been a very long time since my last actual blog post. I’ve shared a few pandemic poems and songs, but really haven’t had much to say about all my adventures here in East Tennessee and the surrounding region in the last four years or so.

I have always loved nature. As a small child in Florida I would play in the swamps behind my grandma’s house, and when my family moved to Tennessee in the third grade I still managed to find some woods to play in nearby. I was a boy scout, and by the time I was in middle school I was visiting my biological father in Missouri every summer where we would spend lots of time on the lake and in the woods. Of course, I did spend a lot of time outdoors at construction sites as well as my father and grandfather were both bricklayers. I was a hod carrier, which is the correct term for a bricklayer’s assistant. I may not have been much use in my earlier days, but I do remember when I turned sixteen it was a big deal not because I was able to drive a vehicle, but because that was the age at which I would be “allowed” to use the brick saw and the gas powered mortar mixer. Don’t get me wrong, I had already learned how to mix mud, only up to this point I had only mixed it by hand in a wheelbarrow. At any rate, whether in the woods or on the construction site, I was adapted to using large amounts of energy in an outdoor setting.

The first time I got married I was young. I had wandered around trying to escape the fate of becoming a bricklayer and ended up waiting tables in North Carolina when I met who would end up becoming the mother of my child. She was a little bit older and had ended up living with her parents, while I was still very immature in my early twenties living at my eighteen year old girlfriend’s parents’ house. At the time, I had just bought my ENO hammock and slap straps. This was long before their popularity exploded across college campuses. I had a large pack and had spent some time exploring Kings Mountain and South Mountain. Our relationship moved fast, and it made sense for our living situations for us to move in together right away. Before long, she was promoted at the restaurant we both worked at and was relocated to Virginia Beach. I quit and moved with her and our two cats and in Virginia we got married on the beach without any friends or family present. Just us, the official, and the official’s wife. It was cheap and quick, and at the time it did mean something.

Being isolated in Virginia Beach ended up becoming more taxing than either of us could have realized. Her job was very stressful and I was juggling a few very low paying jobs at the time. I was working as a cook in an oyster bar and delivering pizzas for an Italian restaurant. We knew we wanted away from all that and decided moving to Springfield, Missouri was our best option. That is the city I was born in. I had family and resources there, and the cost of living was very low which was a big attraction for us. I could go back to laying bricks and had a very well paying job right off the bat, so we moved again, cats and all.

When she was pregnant people would tell me becoming a father will change my life. I had no idea just how completely accurate that statement would be. It seemed like everything happened at once and it’s difficult to look back and say what event instigated what event, but around the time I found out I was going to be a dad the economy collapsed. It was 2008. Layoffs ensued. My wonderful gig in the bricklayers’ union was turning out to be not so wonderful. Being laid off for weeks at a time was not an option for a new dad-to-be wanting to grow something for his family. The type of heavy manual labor I was accustomed to is very intense, and I knew I could do anything, really, if I put my mind to it. So, one day after working in the hot sun, covered in dust, with a dirty white t-shirt, faded blue jeans, ragged boots, hair laid flat from wearing a hard hat all day, and a measuring tape still hanging on my belt I walked into the administrative office of Ozarks Technical Community College and asked the person behind the desk for an application. She asked me what I wanted to study and I said it didn’t matter, because I can do anything. I also knew the statistics. I knew that a child with two degree holding parents was more likely to get a degree of their own. Since I was a child of two parents that didn’t even finish high school, education was never emphasised. My son’s mother had a bachelor’s degree, so I knew this was my opportunity to flip the script for his future. I didn’t even know what upward mobility was at the time.

So right as I was caring for a newborn child, working fifty hours a week as a manager in a hotel restaurant, and attending college full time. It wouldn’t take long for the stress to win, depression to take over, and our relationship to fail. This is the moment I learn that I am bipolar as well. She couldn’t handle it. I didn’t think I could either, hence the suicidal thoughts. I would eventually forgive her for leaving, but it hurt worse than any physical pain I could ever have imagined. I even ended up in the hospital. She ran away with our baby all the way to North Carolina where her family was. When she left, it wasn’t supposed to be final. We had moved across the country before and this time I was staying behind to finish classes. She said she was homesick. We both wanted away from Springfield. Divorce didn’t seem like it was in the cards even the day we packed all her things into a Uhaul.

At first I tried to keep my life in Springfield running on course, but I lost contact with them for months and I eventually would lose everything else. One day I called her and her line was disconnected. I would later learn that she had a new boyfriend in Hickory. One morning very early I get a loud knock on my door. It’s the sheriff’s office. They had papers for me. Our marriage was over. My life was flipped upside down. I had to do something. I bought a bike and borrowed my friend’s kayak and started getting back to my roots. I always loved riding bikes and floating down the rivers, so that’s what I was going to do. I was going to eat right, get plenty of sleep, and run, bike, and paddle my way back into a healthy state of mind. Finally, I made the transition back to a place I vowed I would never return, Knoxville, Tennessee.

The only reason I came back here was to be closer to him. I have family and more resources in Knoxville than in Hickory, and it is only four hours away instead of the daunting fifteen hours it takes to drive from Springfield. I knew I would at least be close enough for my son to visit on a regular basis.

The transition was difficult. I was making a lot less money waiting tables and cooking at restaurants, and my mind was exploding. There were only two courses I lacked in order to complete the associate’s degree I had been working on at OTC. Of course, I failed and did not get to finish my degree. I felt like I was delivered blow after blow in a knock-out fight. Like I was never going to get up from this. I was grateful I had my bike, and the trails around Knoxville were such a big part of my healing process. I didn’t have much in my life, but I could get out and feel something. I could feel the sun and the wind. I could feel the physical pain to go along with my emotional pain, especially that one time when I crashed and cracked my ribs. I would eventually get back on course again and enroll at the University of Tennessee.

I couldn’t believe it! Me, a humble bricklayer from Missouri who not that long ago was singing and playing guitar for a Grateful Dead cover band in the backwoods of a small town in the middle of nowhere, happy to be half naked, stoned, and floating down a river in a tube somewhere, now a university student. Certainly nontraditional, I was out of my element but extremely excited. I rented my own studio apartment in the Fort, an area adjacent to the main campus known for student housing. The commute was a breeze on my bicycle, and I loved every minute. The university had just opened a brand new music facility, and after an audition and interview I was accepted into the College of Music to study musicology. I was finally getting somewhere.

I am going to have to save the rest of this story for next time. Thank you.


Do you want to be a writer?
Architect or designer?
Are you just waiting to be an old-timer?

Do you remember when you discovered the truth of the others?
Do you remember what they had to say?
Do you carry them with you to this day?

Day after day, they come and go, they go away
Time after time it's on your mind, it's here to stay

Can you open your ears? What do you hear?
Can you open your heart? Do you know where to start?
Can you open your eyes? Do you ever imagine the blue in the skies?

Do you know what to do? Do you believe in you?
Will you open your mind?
Will answer in your own time?

Day after day, they come and go, they go away
Time after time it's on your mind, it's here to stay

Do the questions end up messing with your depression?
Do you think it's a sign?
Do you listen to the birds in the mountains?
Do you think about Grand Design?


It was a warm summer night
And I couldn’t sleep
My mind was turned on
And my thoughts were so deep

They won’t pay attention
They won’t narrow it down
If they never listen
They won’t hear the sound

Of the millions of people
Who fight for their lives
Or the one single person
Who’s ready to die

Oh, where does it come from
And why won’t it stay
When I wake up tomorrow
It all goes away

Just a Man

I am just a man, what more can I do?
I just want to make a better world for you
I just woke up, and I just heard the news
I am just a man

Half the world is fighting for justice and peace
The other half is busy justifying their disease
The whole world we’ve dreamt of is just out of reach
But they were just having fun

Do you know what you would choose if you just had a choice?
Do you know what you would say if you just had a voice?
How do you solve problems that you just can’t avoid?
Just how do you like to be?

We’d love a world of fairness, a world that is just
We are simply going to have to learn how to adjust
We are just human, we do what we must
We all just want to be free

I am just a man, what more can I do?
I just want to make a better world for you
I just woke up, and I just heard the news
I am just a man

Twelve Notes

I am a painter with a million colors
I’ve found an empty canvas
Who could believe in a million years
Our governments would ban this
The leaders of Russia, China, and Iran
Practice the tactics borrowed
By the leader of the Americans
The thoughts gnaw at the core
Upon realization of the irony and hypocrisy
To learn all this has happened before
The story of autocracy
Goddamned assholes living in
Their own little worlds
The greed, the hate, the selfish narcissism
Isolationism, Individualism
Presently inundated by -isms
And the past is swimming in schisms
It’s time to look through the prism
Help the people help themselves
If you see the rainbow you see the light
We break our own promises
Yet we still live with ourselves
For once lets just think
Of everyone else
The answer is biodiversity
I am a poet with a billion words, you see
A musician with only twelve notes to play
I could give a speech
But who knows what I would say